Learn the tricks of the trade as you master the skills of grooming - from daily maintenance to the
show ring.

Marketing your Equine Business
An informative and creative look into the art of marketing and advertising in the equine industry.
Discover in depth the aspects of selling your product, including how to use photographs, word
usage and design. Focus is on selling of horses and promoting your program or stallion.

Explore the nuances of horsemanship fundamentals and advanced skills that will help you polish
your horsemanship patterns and keep the judges attention.

Master the Basics
Understand the basic building blocks that are the foundation for all advanced maneuvers. The key
is the ability to control the parts of the horse and the knowledge of precise timing of cues.

Bit Mechanics and Selection
An overview of bit function and design. Gain insight into bit selection and proper use, one of the
least understood aspects of training and horsemanship.

The Judges Point of View
An interactive seminar into the do's and don'ts of showing your horse from a judges view point.
Learn how to best present yourself and your horse, whatever your event.

Ranch Horse Competition
Learn how to train your horse to compete in one of the fastest growing events in the arena today.
Analyze the events that make up a competition and learn from a judge how they are scored.

Cow Work 101
Learn how to successfully teach your horse the basics of working cattle, whether you are going on
to the show ring or pasture.

Beyond Colt Starting
You can safely put the saddle on your young horse and ride him around… what is your next step?
Focus is on what should be happening in your training program after the first 30 days.

The Best Horse for the Job
Choosing the right equine partner can mean the difference between mediocrity or champion
performance. Gain insight into the importance of bloodlines, choosing a prospect for your event,
and how conformation relates to performance.

Horse Camping 101
Getting away from it all with your equine and human buddies can be a fun and rewarding
experience. Learn how to plan your trip with comfort and safety in mind for you and your horse.

Western Pleasure Trends of Today
Taking a look at the winning western pleasure horse of today. Topics include choosing a prospect,
developing a training program, keeping your horse fresh, and a history of recent changes in the

Additional presentations may be created according to your needs.

Lori Walton - Presentation List

Equine Photography: Taking Better Pictures of your Horse
An easy to understand seminar covering the fundamentals of equine
photography. Topics include choosing the right equipment, elements of
successful portrait, artistic and action shots, and how lighting and
background affect overall image quality. Using a few simple formulas anyone
can take better pictures of their horse.

Showmanship At Halter
Gain insights into preparing yourself and your horse for this detail-oriented
class. Acquire necessary finishing touches that will make you a winner from
the judge's point of view.